9J3A, Zambia (2013)

by Niko, S53A

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9J3A_2013_PRISPEVEK Download

by Niko, S53A

9J3A location was in Zambian nature park Kafue in the bush, about 200 kilometers far from the first village Mumbwa. There is no infrastructure at all – just pure wild nature and I was making competition from small tent located on the banks of river Kafue. No fences around, therefore the wild animals were my usual everyday guests not more than few meters from tent. Usually I was operating SDR with wire antennas in wet and heavy stormy conditions, as rainy season starts at that time.

This year (2013) I competed in SO-AB-LP CW CQWW Contest. Maybe, that was a bad choice, but I did well. Also more that 1000 QSO has been done out of the contest. Thank all for QSO’s. Last year (2012) I took first place CQ-WW-CW SO-10m Low Power World Category.

This is the operation position from where 9J3A operated. Yes, it’s under tent.

When you operate in such FD-way, especially if you are near Equator, heavy rain happens.

Midnight storm lightnings turns darkness into daylight for few seconds. Yes, coaxes are disconnected. It’s so bright you can easily see antennas, including 2 el. verticals.

Another photo of lightnings over Kafue river in the middle of the night in complete darkness. That’s the direction to the South America.

With rain wind comes, too. Sometimes your support for antenna isn’t strong enough. This is not the case here. Spider Beam alu pole would survive if I would choose the right place on the pole for anchoring it. It is very important to anchor thin poles at the just right spot! Anyhow the next day sun always comes. The day after stormy night which ends contest for me. The day for taking down SpiderBeam.

Now, tell me how to get it down?

You can find all kind of animals want to help you. Usually they are friendly, but you can’t be sure.

You can easily find 2nd op too, just few meters away. Yes, she’s that close! Normally they don’t eat humans…

Go away! Find your own water for fishing! Here’s my playground ….

W H A T ? You’re back again? Now you gonna see … NO FISHING HERE!!!

Are you kidding me? Live me alone! A L O N E !

Africa is HOT. Under tent is even hotter. SDR Flex-1500 needs an additional cooling system you can find out there in bush.You won’t believe but this could be a very effective way to cool down radio. Now Pile-ups can continue.

That’s morning temperature inside the tent. On the left upper corner you can see home-made antenna directional finder with compass and low cost WEB camera. Easy and accurate tool.

When you’re in African bush everything can be use to support coax.

Bush back’s running through 9J3A contest site.

SpiderBeam 80m Vertical Pole just before rising up.

I would like to thanks to support this DXpedition.

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